Step 1
Starting Position: Assume a seated bent-knee position, feet placed flat on the floor / mat and arms outstretched behind you with your palms flat on the floor / mat and fingers pointed away from your body. Adjust your position to distribute your weight evenly between your feet, butt and arms, keeping your back supported in a relatively flat position (i.e., avoid arching or slumping) and head aligned with your spine.
Step 2
Gently exhale and slowly slide your butt forwards towards your feet without moving your hands. This should create a stretch through your biceps with some stretching in the anterior (front) shoulder region (anterior shoulder and chest stretch). Push yourself forward to the point of tension in the stretch, but never bounce or push to a point of pain. Hold this position for 15 – 30 seconds then relax by returning to your starting position and repeat 2-4 times.
Step 3
Exercise Variation: This stretch can become more dynamic by performing slow, controlled movements to complete 1 set of 5 – 10 repetitions, holding the stretched position for 1 – 2 seconds.
To maximize the benefits of a stretch and reduce the potential for injury, it is important to stretch only to the point of tension, avoid bouncing, and to control movement at other segments of the body. During this stretch, avoid any change of position of your spine (i.e., avoid arching or slumping).