Stand with the feet about shoulder-width apart and grip one kettlebell in each hand while they are on the ground inside the feet. Pick up both at the same time. Hold one kettlebell in each arm on the chest near the shoulder, with the elbows close to the rib cage and the wrists bent to keep the kettlebell held firmly to the forearm. Keep the back straight and bend the knees slightly to dip at the hips before explosively pushing both feet into the floor and jumping up to bring the right foot forward and the left foot back, landing in a split-leg lunge position while punching both arms straight into the air. As the arms straighten fully, press the right foot into the floor to step back and bring the left leg forward to finish standing with the feet under the hips. Slowly lower both weights by pulling the elbows down to the rib cage to bring the kettlebells back to the original racked position on the chest and shoulders.