Place a barbell in a rack at approximately shoulder-height. Dip under the bar so that it rests...
Step 1 Starting Position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart at the end of the ladder so...
Step 1 Starting Position: Stand with your feet hi-width apart, depress and retract your scapulae (pull your...
Step 1 Starting Position: Stand facing a row of hurdles (the hurdles should be spaced so they...
Stand with both feet on the floor wider than shoulder-width apart, grip a kettlebell with the left...
Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a tight, firm grip and the palms facing down, and allow the...
Lie on a flat bench so that the body is perpendicular to the bench with the upper back...
Securely attach a heavy rope to an anchor point, grab one end of the rope in each...
Stand with the feet about shoulder-width apart and grip one kettbell in each hand while they are...
Stand with the feet hip-width apart, hold one dumbbell in the left hand with the left arm down straight...