The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends two hours or less per day of screen time (television, video...
Kids get tired of the same old boring sandwiches (and parents grow tired of finding uneaten sandwiches...
Once a child is diagnosed as “obese”, parents need help implementing a structured weight-management program beyond the...
Here are some ideas to help transform a PE-hating child into a child who actually looks forward...
While the “freshman 15” is often an exaggeration, the average teenager enters college at a healthier weight...
Here are 10 ideas to help make mealtimes and activity breaks into positive experiences for children with...
Everyone benefits from some quiet time, but this is especially true for parents. Parents are in a...
Children today are becoming very involved in sports at a young age, with many playing on multiple...
Although parents and physical education teachers have traditionally shied away from strength training with their children or...
So many fruits, like juicy peaches, sweet melons and tangy plums, are plentiful in the markets during...